Unforgiveness is like drinking a poison, then expecting the other person to die.
Carrying a grudge or resentment is like doing life with a noose around our neck. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. And even if you could, would you really want to - do you reckon that getting even would REALLY make you feel any better?
- People who are driven by revenge (and we've all met someone like this in our lives) become so bitter and angry. It's like they grow to expect the absolute worst from everyone they interact with. Like a destructive Halo effect, where people become so shut down and closed off to each other because of fear of ever having to experience again, whatever it was that they endured all those years ago.
For some people, and I feel so sorry for them, it's as if revenge on other people becomes their only hope in life.
- Think about your own life; have you ever really gotten revenge? If so, how did it make you feel afterwards? Did you feel proud to be the judge, jury and executioner?
- There's this real funny irony that when we have a vested interest in carrying a grudge towards another person, or when we're carrying around anger, disappointment or even hatred towards someone else - the only person that we're really doing damage to is us.
You know, there's always going to be people that hurt us, and there's always going to be people who we hurt. There's this real funny saying that 'Hurt people Hurt people' and if you think about it, this is so true!
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